Friday, February 13, 2009
A little something from Cupid
With Valentines Day this weekend, a dear friend of mine thought she'd
do a little boudoir session for her husband...she was on fire!

I am so feeling these shoes....they are a saucy little number.


Photobucket I would love to share more of these, but that is for her husband. Boudoir photos is certainly a creative part of photography I enjoy doing, but I do find it to be a private thing as well and that is why I limit the photos that I blog on those in particular. There is something to be said that when you leave something to the imagination, it's far greater than if it was all out there, and that is what I go for. I look for that person's beauty to shine through, with a hint of skin if you will....and let the photos speak for themselves. You look FABULOUS!
