I took a drive down to Circleville on Wednesday to photograph this group of cousins together. Believe it or not, the holidays are just around the corner, so their mom's, who are three sisters had their kids get together for some
early holiday family photos. What would Circleville be without a Pumpkin in a shot....home of the biggest pumpkin show each year! Darbi is 13, and her brother Greg is 10 Ellie is 11 and her brother Grant is 9. Abby is 8 and her brother Wyatt is 5. What are the odd's that three sisters would have a boy and girl each, and a daughter
for their first born as well.....that's about to change soon, as there is an addition to the
family coming soon......what's it gonna be?!! These guys are are the best of pals, they truly enjoy one another's company. And no doubt the girls will be there for one another as they all get older. Yep, you guessed it, Wyatt is the clown of the family.....he was making faces for me the whole session...this one's just for you!!
No time like the present to get a head start on your holiday photos.....this bunch can cross that off their list!