In subject line, please put Nomination for Free Wedding Photography Give-Away.
-E-mail how couple met, engagement story and why they deserve to win this contest.
-Send a Digital Photo of the happy couple.
-Wedding Date and Location of wedding.
-Couples contact information.
-All Couples must agree to having their story put on the blog if chosen for the final three.
-Be Creative!!
-The final 3 couples will be chosen and their stories will be posted on the blog on February 11, 2011.
-Voting begins Friday, February 11th at 9a.m.- Sunday,February 13th at 5p.m. (before and after that time will not be counted)
-The winning couple will be announced at 7pm on February 14th
-One vote per person please.
-Voting will be conducted by your family and friends and those that follow the blog, and the
winners will be chosen by those that got the most votes.
-To submit your vote e-mail me at KAMA@CANDIDKAMA.COM in the subject line it must say 'AMOUR'.
-Name of the couple your voting for.
Good Luck!!