Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Going Green.......
I met this happy bunch at a park in Powell recently one morning. They were ready to go. This is Jennifer, 
Scotte, an their boys Aidan, Brendan and Liam.
These boys are such good buddies. They were having fun with each other and seem very close.
Liam is 2, Aidan is 7, and Brendan is 5. They have such beautiful eye's.


Scotte and Jennifer took the boys for a stroll in the park. They found all sort's of bird's flying about. 
Aidan has a love for photography and brought out his camera to take some photos himself. What a great source of fun for a child.
This image speaks words to me. Having an Uncle with Down Syndrome, I know the importance of family being around them. Brendan and Liam may not realize fully the road ahead, but I know that they would be there for Aidan and his needs as they, an their parents get older.
It was a great time at the park with new friends. Enjoy your summer boys and keep taking photos Aidan!