Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Age Photo Blocks
Over the weekend, I met with Rachel. She has a growing business, WWW.AGEPHOTOBLOCKS.COM. She creates these great blocks that will
document a childs age from the first week, to the years to come. We all know kids grow so fast, and this is a great idea to keep track of the years that go by so quickly.
Rachel's daughter Madison, who is not new to this blog is now 22 month's old...
This is a wonderful gift for a mommy-to-be.

The blocks come with with two blocks with the number combinations and a block for Weeks, Months, and Years.
Rachel is updating her website, so we had some models pose with the blocks...this little baby was so tiny.....but a sweet little baby.

You know me, my weakness for babies...had to grab a couple more photos of this little gal.....

A photo with her Mommy and Daddy.
Madison and Rachel were singing 'Patty Cake'...she's too cute with her'll see more of her later this spring........when this snow finally melts! So check out Rachel's site for a great, unique gift!
